How to Obtain and Level Up Your Flyff Flying Mount

Flyff or Fly for Fun is a popular MMORPG that has been around since 2004. One of the distinguishing features of Flyff is the ability to fly on a broomstick or a flying mount. This feature adds an extra layer of fun and excitement to the game. In this article, we will guide you on how to obtain and level up your Flyff flying mount.

Obtaining a Flying Mount

Before you can level up your flying mount, you first need to obtain one. In Flyff, there are a few ways to obtain a flying mount.

1. Purchase from the Cash Shop

One way to obtain a flying mount is to purchase it from the Cash Shop. The Cash Shop is where you can spend real money to buy in-game items such as clothing, potions, and mounts. There are a few flying mounts available in the Cash Shop, and they usually cost a lot of real money. If you’re willing to spend real money, this is the easiest way to get a flying mount.

2. Complete Quests

Another way to obtain a flying mount is by completing quests. There are a few quests in Flyff that reward you with a flying mount upon completion. These quests are usually long and challenging, but the reward is worth it. You can check the Flyff wiki to see which quests reward you with a flying mount.

3. Trade with Other Players

You can also obtain a flying mount by trading with other players. There are player-to-player marketplaces in Flyff where you can sell or buy items, including flying mounts. Be careful when trading with other players, as scammers are prevalent in online games.

Leveling Up Your Flying Mount

Once you have a flying mount, you can start flyff Flying mounts leveling it up. Like your character, your flying mount has a level and can gain experience points. Here are some tips on how to level up your flying mount.

1. Use Your Flying Mount

The easiest way to level up your flying mount is to use it. Every time you fly, your flying mount gains experience points. The amount of experience points your flying mount gains depends on how long you fly. The longer you fly, the more experience points your flying mount will gain. So use your flying mount whenever you can, even if you’re just flying around town.

2. Kill Monsters

Killing monsters while riding your flying mount is another way to level it up. The monsters you kill while riding your flying mount will give it experience points. However, the amount of experience points your flying mount gains from killing monsters is lower than the amount it gains from flying. So, killing monsters while riding your flying mount is only effective if you’re doing it while completing quests or farming.

3. Feed Your Flying Mount

You can also level up your flying mount by feeding it. There are special foods that you can buy or craft that will give your flying mount experience points. These foods are called “Feed.” Each feeding gives your flying mount a specific amount of experience points. The higher quality the feed is, the more experience points it will give. You can buy or craft feed at the general store or the crafting NPCs in the game.


Obtaining and leveling up your Flyff flying mount can be challenging, but it’s worth it. Flying adds an extra layer of fun and excitement to the game. Remember to use your flying mount whenever you can, kill monsters while riding it, and feed it regularly to level it up. Happy flying!